Thursday, February 19, 2009

Popular Vote Game so far

In chess class last Monday, we played a "Popular Vote" team vs. team game on the big board.
LDMS players divided into two teams, White and Black. When it was their turn, each player on the team wrote down the move they personally wanted to do. I collected the votes, and the most popular move won. The captain of each team broke any ties.

After the move, the other team talked about why that team made that move and what they might be thinking. They then voted for their own move as a response.

This exercise created lots of talk around our tournament mantra "why did they move there, and what can they do to me?" It also inspired confidence among the more beginning kids who found that the move they voted for was often the same as the move chosen by the stronger players.

Surprisingly, sometimes there were three or more alternatives voted at any particular time. Two ties so far were broken by the team captains. Below is our game so far, which is fairly even. Interested in comments on who is ahead and why. We will continue this game in two weeks. WHITE TO MOVE.

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