Sunday, February 15, 2009

LDMS Players Compete in National Team Tournament

Several LDMS players competed in the national team tournament yesterday on Valentine's Day.

Competing in the National USCF Team Tournament event were: Evan, Kolt, Reid, Rachel, Chris T, Josh and Jacob.

This was not an LDMS event... it was a generic United States Chess Federation event, wherein each participant was playing on their own. In this case, as part of a four-player team (and regardless of school name/city/etc.

16 teams participated in the four-round scholastic division. The team of four 5th graders Gregory Reese, Jr (Bay Lane), Evan Seghers, Reid Seghers, and Kolt Otterbacher (called the Muskego Knights) won their first three games, and were playing for the overall national championship against four high-schoolers from the prestigious University School of Milwaukee. Unfortunately, though they fought hard, the Muskego Knights took 1.5 out of 4 points in that round, to lose to US-M. The Muskego Knights took first place in the Elementary Division and second place overall.

Rachel Gomoll took a nice trophy as part of the 3rd place elementary team, and Chris Tillson also took home an award as part of his team. Jacob Glumm, in his first USCF tournament, took 2 out of 4. Reid Seghers took 1st place of all board 3 players, going 4-0 in his four games, and winning a year's subscription to the Internet Chess Club.

Next week- back to regular WSCF tournament circuit, see schedule below.

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