Tuesday, October 6, 2009

When is a Player Ready for Tournaments?

We have three divisions in our club:

WHITE players are the players still learning how to compete. This is the bulk of our team today. Learning how the pieces move. Learning pawn structure. How to checkmate and mate. Basic opening strategy.

BLUE players are ready for tournaments. Generally, Blue players know and can demonstrate:
- How to play a full game all the way to the end
- How to deliver Check, and Check Mate, using a combination of pieces
- How to defend 4-move mate and its variations
- How to checkmate using queen and rook, and rook alone (vs. a lone King)
- When a game is winnable and when it is a draw
- Knows stalemate and how to avoid (or deliver when losing)
- Good opening form:
- Developing center pawns
- Controlling the center
- Developing minor pieces
- Castling
- Does not give away "free pieces" (where player takes a piece for free and you can't take back)
- Understands the value of the pieces
- Understands pawn structure
- Knows one good opening for white, and how to defend basic openings as black
- Etc.

RED players are tournament players who have won 4 games in a 6 game tournament, or 3.5 points in a 5-game tournament.

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