Saturday, August 1, 2009

R.Seghers - S.Richardson

An interesting finish, nice game, from round 4 of the SWCC championship.


Jerry said...

White missed a great opportunity for a quick kill in his seventh move.

Jerry said...

Not any random amateur guessable move, the trick to Ne5 is that Black must accept the doubling of his pawns or face loss of material.
7)Ne5 Bh7?? falls for the trap.
How?? 8)Qh5! g6 9)Bc4! Threatening mate at f7 e6 10) Qe2!! This perfect move is fallen by many amateurs and the play reveals after Nd7 11)Nxf7!! Kxf7 or else down by material then 12)Qe6+! Kg7 13)Qf7# mate on the square that was threatened mate for two moves!!

Jerry said...

9)Bf4? Why not just c4 when you have control on the square you don't have?

Jerry said...

How is this a good game? I know that's what most players say when they are done but this game is won because of blunders. For example:
6)h6? what is this? 13)...Nf4? what is this supposed to mean? and then 14)...g5? is this resistance? the King stuck in the center!! It can't castle Kingside because of h4 and its illegal to castle in the queenside.

Jerry said...

I think 16) Re1 is good preparing to sack the knights.

Jerry said...

Hey Reid,

Did you think about 32)Rxa7? I think that will scare your opponent even though he can just sack his rook back but will loose after the following: 32)Rxa7! Rxa7
33)b6 Rac7 (giving it back Ra8 looses to c7 and b7) 34)bxc7 Rxc7 35)Kxd4 Rxc6 36)Rxc6+ Kxc6 and
37)Kf6 winning.

Good luck Seghers to your last round!

Jerry said...

Congrats Evan you drew!

Can anyone post the game between Jim and Evan, the interesting thing about the game is that I must have missed something while analyzing quickly but still can't find how Evan can't win. Maybe the problem is that it never reached the endgame and I'm sure Jim would be toast because Evan is best at endgames.