Thursday, May 14, 2009

X-Ray Vision

Use "X-Ray-Vision"

When you analyze your game it is sometimes hard to see all combinations that are hidden within a particular position. If you miss a hidden trap of your opponent then you lose instantly a piece or a pawn or even worse, you might get checkmated. Or you miss a strong combination which would have won the game for you right away. For that reason it is a big help if you use X-Ray-Vision in your chess games.

If you use X-Ray-Vision here as white, you might find this difficult winning move. Re8+!! This move wins the queen and the game, as white has more material and the better position. The king in the middle will come under strong attack. 1.Re8+! KxR (the knight is pinned and can't capture!) Now 2.Bb5+ c6 3.QxQ and white wins the queen and sooner or later the game. (Budovskis, Inesis - Atars, Pablo, 1970)

White moves and plays 1.Nxd5! cxd 2.QxB! Great isn'it? (Bobby Fischer - Predrag Ostojic 1970). X-Ray Vision does help you to discover hidden moves and prevent that you are running around mentally searching like a blind duck. Try it in your next games.

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