Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Meeting MONDAY Sept 15, 3pm Rm 419

Something New this Year! Announcing the LDMS Competitive Chess Program!

Starting MONDAY, September 15th, at 3pm in Room 419, we will be forming a competitive chess team that will play against other schools in WSCF and USCF events! This team is coached by Mr. Seghers, an LDMS parent with two boys at LDMS, Reid and Evan. Reid and Evan come from the powerful Mill Valley Knights, who won the State Championship earlier this year! Several other LDMS students were also members of that great team, coached by Mr. Gregory Reese.

We will be meeting most weeks after school, on either Monday or Wednesdays, to be determined. I will print a schedule that I will hand out in our first meeting on the 17th. I will also print out a TOURNAMENT schedule showing which tournaments our team will be participating in as a team. Note that this COMPETITIVE Chess program is IN ADDITION to Mr. Antoniewicz’ existing Thursday night social chess program (which begins in November). We hope you will attend both! It’s always good to enjoy a good game of chess.

The Mon/Wed meetings will involve 1) announcements of upcoming tournaments, 2) a lesson, taught by Mr. Seghers OR one of the team!, and 3) 20-minute games matched with players of similar skills. Early on, we will learn how to play in tournaments – it’s a little different! – and also learn how to play with a clock, and finally how to take chess notation so you can re-play and learn from past games.

Regarding tournaments, they are all OPTIONAL for team members. Whoever can make it, that is our LDMS team for that tournament. The first chess tournament is September 20th already! This is the BADGER OPEN. This tournament is located at the Marriott Milwaukee West, in Waukesha. Fee is $15. I will bring more detailed information on this event to our first chess team meeting. There is also a tournament on September 27th, at the Milwaukee Museum. These tournaments are not “official” LDMS tournaments- consider them “warm-ups!!”…

Does your Dad or Mom play chess??? I am looking for co-coaches, parents who play chess and would like to help out! Want to be an assistant coach?? I am looking for players who want to help teach beginning players- more details to come next MONDAY.

SIGN UP TODAY!!! The sign-up sheet is posted by Room 118, OR you can just show up at our first meeting on Wednesday, September 17th, at 3pm in Room 419.

Check out our web site! http://ldmschess.blogspot.com/ … Post your own articles, or comments!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mark. How long are practices scheduled for on Wednesdays?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for running this Mark. How long does practice go to on Wednesday's?

Anonymous said...

The first meeting is MONDAY SEPT 15.
First meeting will go 1 hour and this will be the length of the practice.