Sunday, January 10, 2010

LDMS 6th Graders take Richards' K-8

Five Players, Five Trophies

In the first time our K-3 national champions, Evan, Reid, Jorin and Chris, have reunited in the same tournament, Lake Denoon Middle School dominated the Richards Elementary K-8 division with another first place team trophy. Jason also played, and the five of them ALL won trophies!

In the K-8 division, the team of Evan, Reid, Chris and Jason easily won the K-8 division. After 5 games, Evan and Reid were both 5-0, Chris was 4.5 - .5, and Jason was 4-1. Since there were no other kids close to them in record (that they had not already played, the WSCF made the unusual decision to pit team members against each other. Evan played Reid on board 1, and Chris played Jason on board 2. I have never seen this before. Evan edged out Reid in the endgame, and Jason beat Chris. Reid lost only to Evan, but mysteriously dropped to 4th place behind a girl he had beaten. Regardless of the odd 6th round pairings, the four K-8 players took 4 of the top 5 trophies in the division.

Jorin was alone in K-5 and went 5-1 to take 3rd place in a large division. Way to go Lake Denoon Knights!

Next week, Lake Denoon hosts its first-ever chess tournament at the school! We are putting together two very strong teams in the K-6 and K-12 divisions. If you have not yet RSVP'ed yet for the tournament, please do! Click here to see details

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